Compatible connection String for window 10/ excel 2016
I was using the below line for connection in my VBA application in window 8 and excel 2013 but when I tried to use my application from window 10 and Excel 2016, it fails to start with an Error.
I was using the below line for connection in my VBA application in window 8 and excel 2013 but when I tried to use my application from window 10 and Excel 2016, it fails to start with an Error.
I have windows 8 Trying to Connect Access 2007 from VB.Net 2012 using the ADODB Connection"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\Temp.mdb;Persist Security Info=False;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=")
how to create dns-less connection from ms access to sqlite
I don't know if I'm in the right place. I have done everything with PHP and ODBC so far. Now I wanted to make my homepage show-like and I made it with WordPress. so far everything OK
buenas noches, tengo problemas para ingresar a mi dominio en wordpress, cuando coloco para entrar al admin me arroja un error que dice:
I am trying to make a data connection between Excel to csv file but the csv file every date is change.
Hi, current environment: AccessDatabase (.mdb) file located at secured network share special domain user account has read/write permissions to this network share
Using vba and Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 connection to Excel 2013 workbook. Inserting records into worksheet work fine. Problem occurs if I update a field in a record with a blank ("").
Corporation updated my server and i started getting this error (provided from the server team): GET, /page/pages/MarketMatrix-2.asp, |236|800a0e7a|Provider_cannot_be_found._It_may_not_be_properly_installed.,
I need to know how to open a password protected Excel file using OleDBConnection. I saw a post that provides a work around. I am using Excel 2016. Is there a way in this version? The excel is 2013 and older.
Hi, my name is Marvin and I have little experience in Mysql. I have mysql 5.5 installed with workbench 6.1. I work with vba excel developing small applications, locally I have no problems connecting to databases.
Has or does anybody have information about working in "AHK" "Auto Hotkey" and connecting to an access database? Have found this link:
Can I use ADO to open a connection to a shared Excel (Office 365) workbook that resides on SharePoint. I do not want to checkout the work book as Other people are storing information on it.
I am trying to connect an access 97 database from php, I have tried three ways methods and none works for me: $db = 'c:/VENTAS.MDB'; $odbcname = "ventas_dsn_sistema";
I have the Oracle Runtime 11g 32 bits and the 12c Runtime 64bits instaled on my system, and i would like to know if is possible to use the 32bits Oracle 11g( ODBC driver on my Excel.
Hi, I use a OdbcConnection string to read xls sheet into a data table ( is there a property I can use to omit formulas (ex. Vlookup) and use the values instead?
I am new to SQL Connection strings. We recently migrated from SQL Server 2008 32 bit to SQL Server 2017 64 bit. The database I am using is an Access 2010 32 bit and we upgraded to Access 2013 32 bit. I believe the connection string that was being used for SQL Server 2008 32 bit was
Hi there: I’m trying to load a dbf file generated from Foxpro7 into Excel (programmatically), I don’t want to use any export/import mechanisms because the objective is to carry out this transparently for the user.
I think I'm almost there. Except the update is inserting into sharepoint. Using Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;WSS;IMEX=0. See code below. Situation: I'm refreshing in an excel table from a power query a Sharepoint list (Sharepoint server 2016).
I wrote a VB .NET program using VS17 that opens Excel files and loads the data into an Access database. For .xls files, I use the connection string: Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source= ...;Extended Properties Excel 8.0;
Bonjour et merci voici mon besoin j'ai un fichier excel qui me permet de gere mes contact depuis un userform dans le quel il y a des textbox et une combobox qui a pour base une table access
Hi, it is working in Excel-32 bit version, but not working in excel-64 bit. I have a linked table in ms-access which is linked to a sql server table, and when I am trying to fetch the data in excel via VBA from ms-access linked table the error message "ODBC connection failed" showing.
I have a legacy Delphi database, with an application written in Borland Pascal. It's an old system, running on a virtual XP box, since it won't run on anything newer.
I have a VBA code (in excel 2016) that i use to grab information from a MS SQL server (2008R). The connection works fine on the computer i wrote it on. When i run it on another computer i get the error "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source file not found and no default driver specified".
Hi All, can anyone provide connectionstring for Excel 2010. I tried to set connection string for RPA Automation anywhere but it is throwing an error
Excel 2016 VBA to create an OLE connection to a sql 2014 db and then execute a stored procedure returning the results starting cell A1 on sheet :StoredProcData. Server & instance is QGZZZ\MYINSTANCE db is data
Is it possible to supply a database password that is let's say supplied when the user logs into the website. Example "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Users\MyName\Documents\mywebsite_assets\database\database.mdb; Jet OLEDB:Database Password=" + strPassword
I'm learning ADO.NET and have been stuck for DAYS trying to get a connection string for a plain, vanilla .mdb database. I've been trying potential connection strings and permutations from this site but NOTHING works; the database connection is never opened.
Hi, We have an Azure SQL database and a local Access app that needs to interact with it. Using VBA-generated pass-through query definitions to grab data as needed, no linked tables and no permanently saved queries.
I have a connection string as below. connectString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + path + "; Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1;ISAM=1;TypeGuessRows=0'";