Provider cannot be found. it may not be properly installed
conn.Open(("provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:\QC\rendemen.accdb;Persist Security Info=False;")) Provider cannot be found. it may not be properly installed
conn.Open(("provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:\QC\rendemen.accdb;Persist Security Info=False;")) Provider cannot be found. it may not be properly installed
My Data Source (path and name) is saved as a Constant string in the VBA module. Is there a 'workaround' for the error message: [Microsoft] [ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name too long ?
I have windows 8 Trying to Connect Access 2007 from VB.Net 2012 using the ADODB Connection"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\Temp.mdb;Persist Security Info=False;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=")
Corporation updated my server and i started getting this error (provided from the server team): GET, /page/pages/MarketMatrix-2.asp, |236|800a0e7a|Provider_cannot_be_found._It_may_not_be_properly_installed.,
Bonjour et merci voici mon besoin j'ai un fichier excel qui me permet de gere mes contact depuis un userform dans le quel il y a des textbox et une combobox qui a pour base une table access
I have tried the following variations of the same statement in Powershell 5.1: $objCon.Open("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=C:\MyDocuments\WWW.mdb")
I am trying to insert excel data into an access database. The code below works perfectly for me even though it gives me access denied after successful upload. <% Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
I have an access database on a web server with CPANEL and I want to connect an application created in Visual Basic .Net 2010, I want to be able to connect to it and modify data, but I can not find the connection string ... I hope your answer thanks!
I am upgrading an Access 98 to Access 2007 and having problems with "open connection" code. The old code is 'Open connection set ConnObj = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") ConnObj.Open "datatronics"
This is my asp page,when i carry it out, the system tell me: Security settings on this computer prohibit access to data sources in other domains. (Please forgive me for low level of English.)
Hello All, I am facing one issue like "External table is not in the expected format." with 2013 micro enable excel . when i am trying to open the connection string for reading the excel file i.e oleConn.Open(); .
Whenever i select DATA SOURCE as"Microsoft Access Database File (OLE DB) " the pop up window does not shows browse button to select Database.
My company use 5 main documents. SalesInv, CreditorsInv, BankReceipt, BankPayment, Journals. I created a table for each, and formatted the Auto Number, my choice 3 letters and 6 numbers. I.e.
Hello, I am using Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 with a 32-bit C# application on a 64-bit PC and an Access 2007 backend. The connection string works fine, however depending on where the database is located
Hello, I need help when using a connection string to connect to an access 2007 database within an ASP page. I am using the string "Driver = {Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};Dbq=(path to db);
I have created some apps on my home PC using Visual Studio 2008 (C#) and MS Office 2007 (MS Access) as my database. My OS is Windows Vista. Everything is 32 bit.
Dear All, Thanks for your support in advance :) I am looking to move an Excel Data Base to Access in order to improve efficiency and bring security to the data hold. The problem that I am stacked is related with the loading.
Hi, I have an Access database (.mdb) that has some tables which are native and some which are linked to an ODBC database (actually a remote SQLServer database)
how to link microsoft acess 2007 with vb 6.0
Hello Background: I'm running an ASP Classic website with Access 2007 databases. In the local site (which is now failing as per below) I'm under IIS7.5 and Windows Home Pro 7.
Hi All, I am trying a Tricky one here, Request your help on the same. I have access 2007 Data base, Present in Share point. I have a Excel macro which Interacts with Access Database.
I have a payroll system project with VB 6.0 and I want to connect it to Database (Access) that located in my office via Public IP. So, anyone can give me a code to connect that system to Database via Public IP ?
Hello, I am having problem to connect to access via VS. I have wrote: string path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("App_Data/"); path += "Database1.accdb"; string connString = "Provi
Error: ... ODBC connection to SQL Server {IP} failed........ I make a code in vb6 using MS ACCESS 2007 with ADO as object in which data was imported or link to Microsoft SQL 2005 in order that I will not change any data from my SQL server.
I am using Access 2010 accdb database and wants to connect a C# program using the oledb provider 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.14.0' but it does not seem to work as I get this error. The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLE
I've got an application in Visual Studio, that uses an Access database and I want to be able to save the database file on Dropbox. How do I get the connection string for an access database file locat
I've got an application in Visual Studio, that uses an Access database and I want to be able to save the database file on Skydrive. How do I get the connection string for an access database file loca
I have a VBA application running under MSWord 2007... reads and writes strings, integers and dates to Access 2007 accdb saved on a Sharepoint network location. Performance is great. Exactly the same