Macro ne fonctionnent pas avec le runtime access
Bonjour et merci voici mon besoin j'ai un fichier excel qui me permet de gere mes contact depuis un userform dans le quel il y a des textbox et une combobox qui a pour base une table access
Bonjour et merci voici mon besoin j'ai un fichier excel qui me permet de gere mes contact depuis un userform dans le quel il y a des textbox et une combobox qui a pour base une table access
Hi, it is working in Excel-32 bit version, but not working in excel-64 bit. I have a linked table in ms-access which is linked to a sql server table, and when I am trying to fetch the data in excel via VBA from ms-access linked table the error message "ODBC connection failed" showing.
I have a legacy Delphi database, with an application written in Borland Pascal. It's an old system, running on a virtual XP box, since it won't run on anything newer.
Is it possible to supply a database password that is let's say supplied when the user logs into the website. Example "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Users\MyName\Documents\mywebsite_assets\database\database.mdb; Jet OLEDB:Database Password=" + strPassword
I'm learning ADO.NET and have been stuck for DAYS trying to get a connection string for a plain, vanilla .mdb database. I've been trying potential connection strings and permutations from this site but NOTHING works; the database connection is never opened.
Hi, We have an Azure SQL database and a local Access app that needs to interact with it. Using VBA-generated pass-through query definitions to grab data as needed, no linked tables and no permanently saved queries.
I have tried the following variations of the same statement in Powershell 5.1: $objCon.Open("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=C:\MyDocuments\WWW.mdb")
I have an Acces 97 database working on a Windows 7 PC where I can get data from it by XAMPP with phppdoodbc. I want to have this database on a QNAP NAS with Linux arm5, on Debian9 with a working Apache2 and PHP7, but I cannot get it to work. I now use:
I am trying to insert excel data into an access database. The code below works perfectly for me even though it gives me access denied after successful upload. <% Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Study Guides or Test Sample for the position of Admin asst? I’m testing for administrative Asst in the civil service sector.So I’ve to take a test to MS Word and Excel. and it’s practical to test my abilities.
Fingers crossed someone can help. I am looking for a connection string to use in MS Access 2010 to connect to Oracle using SqlSriverConnect so that I can specify SQLDRIVERNOPROMPT. My attempts to format a connection string to date have been unsuccessful. Please accept my thanks in advance.
Trying to create an updatable form in Access 2010 connected to sql server 2014. I Don't want to use linked tables as many results will be provided by stored procedures. Using
hi What does MLD=0 represent in the attribute of a Odbc Connectstring? Thanks N
I have a mysql server running on x.x.x.x, and can access it internally no problem (of course). However when attempting to connect externally, ie using mysql workbench, or even from an external server, I get the error message "Host 'bla.bla.bla' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server".
when i was trying to connect my access file to C# program while running i faced the popup with that "The'microsoft.ACEOLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine". please provide any solution that can help me to find answer.
unable to fetch data that is tab delimited from text file using OleDbConnection string as below using (OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + path + @";Extended Properties='text;HDR=YES;FMT=TabDelimited';"))
I have an access database on a web server with CPANEL and I want to connect an application created in Visual Basic .Net 2010, I want to be able to connect to it and modify data, but I can not find the connection string ... I hope your answer thanks!
I am upgrading an Access 98 to Access 2007 and having problems with "open connection" code. The old code is 'Open connection set ConnObj = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") ConnObj.Open "datatronics"
I'm trying to make a simple connection to a microsoft access 2016 database through a code, it's very simple: Cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:\Data\VBtest\ConnectigToSecuredAccessDB\Production3.accdb; Jet OLEDB:Database Password=aros20;"
I try to export some data from excel to my access database, but on line 15 I get the error Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another. I can't seem to figure out what is going wrong here. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
I've read many questions about that problem but i still can't solve my problem. When I run my website on localhost everything is working. The problem happens when I run my site on SQL Server 2008. I've got an error:
What is the Access OLEDB connection string for Office 365? Thanks.
Hi Everyone, need some help on my school homework. I would like to ask what is the connection string of Access 2016? Thank you!
I'm trying to use a third party tool to query an Excel Worksheet. On my old server which had office 2007 the connection string Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\temp.xlsx;Extended Properties="Excel 12.0 XML;HDR=YES";Persist Security Info=False
I have an MS Access application that currently connects to a SQL Server instance using Trusted Connection via the following file DSN settings: [ODBC] DRIVER=SQL Server TrustedConnection=Yes DATABASE=APUBMARTY
Access Connection String for Passthru Query I have an access 2013 front-end that uses pass-thru queries to run SQL Jobs and stored procedures. I have to manually change these connection strings to move between a test and a production environment
This is my asp page,when i carry it out, the system tell me: Security settings on this computer prohibit access to data sources in other domains. (Please forgive me for low level of English.)
Good morning, I'm new here, live in Venezuela, glad to know about you, come here to solve a problem with a connection between a Visual Basic 6, and Sql Server 2000, converted my Access database to Sql database with Access, .adp, and move to Sql server 2000 with access2003.
Hello All, I am facing one issue like "External table is not in the expected format." with 2013 micro enable excel . when i am trying to open the connection string for reading the excel file i.e oleConn.Open(); .
Whenever i select DATA SOURCE as"Microsoft Access Database File (OLE DB) " the pop up window does not shows browse button to select Database.