Excel 97
Excel File=C:\myExcelFile.xlsx;
No headers in Excel sheet
Excel File=C:\myExcelFile.xlsx;Header=False;
Caching data
Excel File=C:\myExcelFile.xlsx;Cache Location=C:\cache.db;Auto Cache=true;Offline=false;
Caching data and metadata
Excel File=C:\myExcelFile.xlsx;Cache Location=C:\cache.db;Auto Cache=true;Offline=false;Cache Metadata=true;
Cached data only / Offline mode
Excel File=C:\myExcelFile.xlsx;Offline=true;Query Passthrough=true;Cache Location=C:\cache.db;
Using an External Cache Provider
RSSBus drivers have the ability to cache data in a separate database such as SQL Server or MySQL instead of in a local file using the following syntax:
Cache Provider=Provider.Namespace;Cache Connection='Connection String to Cache Database';
Empty cells always NULL
Excel File=C:\myExcelFile.xlsx;Empty Text Mode=EmptyAsNull;
Empty cells always empty string
Excel File=C:\myExcelFile.xlsx;Empty Text Mode=NullAsEmpty;
Suppress formula calculation errors
Excel File=C:\myExcelFile.xlsx;Ignore Calc Error=true;
Read "tilted sheets", where rows are headers and columns are rows
Excel File=C:\myExcelFile.xlsx;Orientation=Horizontal;
Do not use formulas, only values
Do not treat values starting with equals (=) as formulas during inserts and updates.
Excel File=C:\myExcelFile.xlsx;Allow Formula=false;