Formating Rules for Connection Strings
There are no built in checks or constraints on how to format a connection string. This walk-through shows the basic rules for creating a connection string that will work.
There are no built in checks or constraints on how to format a connection string. This walk-through shows the basic rules for creating a connection string that will work.
Connection strings can be a bit obscure and are often not defined consistently. This article straightens things out and sheds some light on how connection strings are used to connect an application to a data source.
It is very easy to store the connection string in a config file and there are several benefits in doing so. This article describes why and how to store the connection string in web.config.
To get the most out of connection pooling there are some things to keep in mind when developing your application. Learn to stay away from the pitfalls and utilize the full power of connection pooling.
Behind the Provider keyword is a chain of mappings to the software implementation contained in a dll file. This article explains that chain and how COM works in general.
There are different ways to store and read connection strings in appsettings.json. Learn some easy ways to work with connection strings in .NET Core.