Luxena dbExpress driver for Informix Pro

This Native driver is provided by Luxena.


This driver is destined to be used in Borland's dbExpress components to communicate with Informix database server. The driver uses native Informix Client API without any intermediate layers like BDE or ADO that guarantees excellent performance and reliability.

  BLOB, CLOB, LVARCHAR and other complex data types can be effectively accessed via driver Pro which supports all Informix data types.

  All Informix connectivity parameters are available in setnet32 may be defined in application thanks to connection string feature of driver Pro.

  Application server performance will be much better, thus your system users will be more satisfied comparing to Borland's driver based solutions.

  Query execution break, which is an exclusive feature of driver Pro, gives your applications more control over the database communication.

  Informix connection area is accessible from driver Pro, enabling you to implement enhanced functionality based on Informix specific features.

More info about this native driver can be found at the Luxena product page.


This Native driver, Luxena dbExpress driver for Informix Pro, can be downloaded here.

Connection Strings

The Luxena dbExpress driver for Informix Pro native driver can be used to connect to the following data sources by using the following connection string references:
