Paradox connection string problem
I am accessing a Paradox DB that works fine on my machine, but on any other machine gives a error [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed. Here is my connection string:
I am accessing a Paradox DB that works fine on my machine, but on any other machine gives a error [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed. Here is my connection string:
How can I prevent the SQL Login box when accessing SQL Azure from an Access front end? I've tried putting the credentials in the ODBC connection string for the native client and I've tried connecting from VBA;
Wonna select table-rows in sql-server (2012) from access (2010) 3 different ways testet, but all dont function: SELECT * FROM 1) [Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};Dbq=H:\Temp\REALUMSATZ.accdb;
Hello, I m using this ConnectionStrings but error is Keyword not supported: 'provider' please solve this error.. SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AccessConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
Hey there! I am very new to Access and have created a pretty good db for tracking employee training, attendance, and the like.
Hi, I have an Access database (.mdb) that has some tables which are native and some which are linked to an ODBC database (actually a remote SQLServer database)
how to link microsoft acess 2007 with vb 6.0
Hi! Problem: I have been linking programmatically to DBF files for 15+ years in different Access versions (currently 2010) OK. The client outputs the DBF files via R:BASE . . . previously DOS version, now upgraded to a Windows version.
Hi, I am starting to work with a file written in excel 97 & access 97 for forecasting, it is fairly involved and does a great job of profiling etc.
Hello Background: I'm running an ASP Classic website with Access 2007 databases. In the local site (which is now failing as per below) I'm under IIS7.5 and Windows Home Pro 7.
First for some background on my situation: I am working in Access 2010 user frontend with a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 backend. I have a stored procedure that inserts new values(supplied by the parameters) into a table.
I wish to transfer MS-Access tables to Oracle 12 on a regular basis for data conversion purposes. I have established the necessary ODBC DSN and the VB connection string and it all works very nicely and fast.
Entering the required connection string gives me Verification failed ERROR...Data source name not found and no default driver specified. This is the connection string I have entered.
Hi All, I am trying a Tricky one here, Request your help on the same. I have access 2007 Data base, Present in Share point. I have a Excel macro which Interacts with Access Database.
hai I am getting an error called 'UserInfo' is not a member of 'User'. in the following code Select <% Dim i As Integer For i = 4 To 7
how to recover from the error "Name '__o' is not declared" I was trying to run the project which was developed in .netframework2.0 on .netframework4.0, but frequently i am getting this error like above 30 times.
I'm trying to create a simple app that has a search field that looks for records in a database. Once a record is found, it can be clicked on which populates a template with info to print a certificate.
I have one directory website which is up and running and using the sql server 2000 database thru Godaddy. I recently made a duplicate of this website as I plan to start a new directory.
Hi Every one, I need to connect DBvisualizer with AS400 in local machine. Can any one help on this with step by step procedure. Because i am new to this type of connections.
Jet 4.0 is now in a deprecated state so we intend to redevelop our applications (which currently access Access via DAO) to use something more "future proof".
Could you help me? I made a small webservice in c#, there is an oledb connection. The webservice is operate from developer tools perfectly, but in the IIS only appear, and the connection does not work.
How to write connection string to 2003 Excel file( .xls ) with Operating system 64 bits because the provider " Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 " not exist in 64 bits OS.
I have a payroll system project with VB 6.0 and I want to connect it to Database (Access) that located in my office via Public IP. So, anyone can give me a code to connect that system to Database via Public IP ?
I have a back of my base on ftp. Now I working on my base using front which is in local network. But I would like to work online. So I have to connect to my base from the Internet. I read about connection string.
Hello there, I have developed an application and throughout looking on the web, I couldn't find the solution to my problem. I am using Visual Studio 2013, Office 2010 32-bit and Win7 64-bit to devel
I have an 2010 Access Database where I am using a connection string to link (via MA Access Query) to a table on our SQL Server. I am using the connection string below. and it pulls back the table jus
Hello, I am having problem to connect to access via VS. I have wrote: string path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("App_Data/"); path += "Database1.accdb"; string connString = "Provi
Error: ... ODBC connection to SQL Server {IP} failed........ I make a code in vb6 using MS ACCESS 2007 with ADO as object in which data was imported or link to Microsoft SQL 2005 in order that I will not change any data from my SQL server.
I am trying to connect to my database, and this is what I have typed: string sConnection; sConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" + "Data Source=Cars.accdb;"
In a vba module of Access 2013, I connect to a table of a DBMaker 4.3 database: Dim Conn as New ADODB.Connection Dim rstTT As New ADODB.Recordset "Provider=DMOLE43;User ID=myUserName;Passw