PostgreSQL OBDC Connection: Password Authentication Failed for User
Hi All,
I am trying to import data from PostgreSQL database using ODBC Driver.
I have installed the ODBC driver and created a System DSN as required. The connection within the DSN is successfull.
However, when i trying to use the same credentails in the connection string, i am keep getting the error: "password authenticatio failer for user
The connection string used is as below:
Driver={PostgreSQL Unicode(x64)};Server=<ip_address>;Port=<port_number>;Database=<database_name>;UID=
Please let me know if i am missing something or doing something wrong.
2 answers
Most of the connection information is included in the PostgreSQL ODBC setup. I believe you would need to reference your DSN here and you can drop the DB name and the server from the connection string
Did you ever figure out this issue? I am having the same problem now.