Use a variable in a Select statement
Hi, Help!!
How do I use a variable in a select statement in vba?
This is a standard query
Select IngredientID, Quantity, from Recipes where RecipeID = 7
This is what I would like to do, but do not know how to.....
dim ID as Integer
Select IngredientID, Quantity, from Recipes where RecipeID = 'ID'
The user will select an ID from a Combobox and then the ID will be used to get specific information from the db.
Any help will be appreciated.
Regards Tom
PS: I am using RSView32 and SQLExpress 2008R2.
1 answer
You must use concatenation to get your variable into the SQL string. The concatenation operator is the ampersand symbol in VBA.
Your answer might be found here:
I would do something like the following:
Dim SQL as String
Dim ID as String
SQL = "Select IngredientID, Quantity, from Recipes where RecipeID = " & ID
Then run or modify the SQL of the query using the usual ADODB or Microsoft Data query method.
This might help: