IIS 5.1 + Visual Studio 2003 + SQL Server 2000

Hi There,
I'm trying to connect to a remote sqlserver using c# in a web application. with no success:

authen tication mode="Windows" 
identity imper sonate="true"

add key="Connection String" value="User ID=XXXXXX;Password=XXXXXXXX;Server=XX.XXX.XXX.XXX,1441;Database=MYDB;Network Library =dbmssocn"

When I try to run the VS2003 webapplication under a IIS server I receive the "SQL Server does not exist or access denied".
At Visual Studio 2003, IF I create a windows application with the same connection string, it works fine.

If I use the very same credentials in a VS2008 webapplication it works perfectly.

But if I use this VS2008 webapplication into the my machine's IIS, the webapplication instead of the embedded VS2008's webserver it also stops working.

So my concerns are about IIS, does the IIS changes anything while connect to the database?
Uses another user? Another port? Another Anything?


1 answer

Hi There,

I just figure out that running the application within IIS 5.1 I am not able to reach the SQL database maybe because of the VPN.

Please check If I'm on the rigth direction:

VPN authentication processes:

Once logged in my Windows XP machine, I open the VPN client ( Huminngbird Socks ) and when I access any host that belongs to the client's network, the VPN client prompts for the USER/PASSWD, the login window, bring my current user and I insert the password and from this moment, it will no longer ask me for these credentials again.

If I run the application under the Visual Studio 2008 Web Server there's no problem with the connection.

If I run the application under the IIS 5.1 I got the "Sql does not exists or access is denied" error.

So I decided to build a Windows Application using ASP 1.1 .

If I simply run it, it works perfectly, but is I select RUN AS ASPNET, the VPN client prompts for the VPN's user/passwd credentials again, but at this timethe login window brings the ASPNET instead of mine.

My toughts are what the VS2008 webserver does that uses the VPN clients wich is already authenticated

that the IIS does not? Is there any settings to be made or I need to build the workaround programatically?
