Connect to oracle 10g express

I'm working in Visual Studio. I have created a OleDbConnection object that i need to assign a string to. From what i gather, i think i should use this one: Provider=msdaora;Data Source=MyOracleDB;User Id=cis528student;Password=******;
My main problem right now is that i dont understand what it is they want for the "Data Source" attribute can someone give me an example of this attribute for connecting to oracle 10g express or point me in the direction of where i could find my own "Data Source" information?

1 answer

Oracle Express is just Oracle with a few options disabled. When you first installed it you would have created a database. The Data Source uses that name. Under the directory where you installed Oracle you will find NETWORK\Admin. Look in there for TNSNames.ora. There should be a line in there of SID = Your Database Name. Failing that check the Services on your computer. You should have an instance of OracleService followed by the DB Name - use the DB Name.