C# / .NET Connections to DB2
Can anyone tell me more about using a "CurrentPackageSet" with a connection string to a DB2 database from a C# / .NET application? (by the way... what is a "CurrentPackageSet"?)
Can anyone tell me more about using a "CurrentPackageSet" with a connection string to a DB2 database from a C# / .NET application? (by the way... what is a "CurrentPackageSet"?)
What is the connection string for connecting to embedded mySQL database.
Can someone help building the connection string from the System DSN for Pronto-4GL. Please see the image?
What connection string should I use to connect to Exact Online from Microsoft Power BI using Invantive SQL?
$conn = odbcconnect("DRIVER={Progress OpenEdge 10.1B driver};DSN=mfgprodread;HOST=;DB=mfgprod;UID=sysprogress;PWD=sysprogress;PORT=9999;"); if($conn) echo "success!"; else echo
I'm trying to export the data from multiple database from a single server into one excel using VBA code. Please can anyone help.
Hello, We decided to move towards the ODBC drivers. I installed the ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server. For that we desided to use MSDASQL provider for ODBC Drivers , our existing application uses ADO and SQL SERVER 2008 R2.
Hello, when i open my sqlbase-DB and i do a "select" ... sometimes i get "unable to read data from the transport....." and sometimes it goes right! Can somebody help me? Sandra
Hi Everyone, need some help on my school homework. I would like to ask what is the connection string of Access 2016? Thank you!
Hi, Have anyone connect to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online using OLEDB? If so what is the parameters. Thank you, Cornelio
Hi My system reads Excel data using a database approach. I use the following connection string as this returns extended characters: Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source='';Extended Properties="Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES;IMEX=1";
Hi everyone I am writing to you to help about connecting Oracle using the ODBC. I have to connect to an Oracle Database that is RAC Environment using a SID. I currently try to connect to an Oracle database using ODBC in C, linux.
Hello to all participants, must extract an excel sheet data from MySQL once extracted these data excel sheet processed with many functions, the result of that calculation must be stored in MySQL.
im new to access what i have just one table contains five fields i want to use form that display those information from the fields and update them via table my problem i want to use blank form and ado objects. is anyone help me to start with. thank you in advance.
Hi there, I'm trying to write a vb.net program (VS 2010) that connects to a MySQL DB (64 bit) under Windows (10). Amongst other attempts these are my recent once:
help me with data base connection i am using sql database for my mvc codefirst project i have to change my database to posgress
Hi, I am migrating huge oracle forms application to c# winforms .Net Applications. as Oracle forms developer suggest to Open database connection once and Close it when user close application.
Where do I find the various number value options for the OPTIONS clause in the MySQL Connection String? Searching the MySQL site didn't turn up the full listing. Thanks in advance!
Is there any limit for maximum length of connection string for SQLite in .Net , If my path to database file is very long. I realized that if I provide connection string including "DataSource=" part more than 128 characters,
Hi there, Is it possible to connect to a MYSQL DB without installing ODBC drivers on the client machines? If so could anybody help? I can connect via ODBC fine, but would rather not push the driver out to the 3 thousand machines we have here.
I have a csv file with multiple columns. Some columns have numeric data with decimal having 2 to 10 decimal accuracy. When reading this file from ADODB record using VBA some column decimal values are getting picked correct but for some its only taking number (without decimal).
I'm trying to use a third party tool to query an Excel Worksheet. On my old server which had office 2007 the connection string Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\temp.xlsx;Extended Properties="Excel 12.0 XML;HDR=YES";Persist Security Info=False
We use an ODBC Connection string to connect a SQL database pulling in demographic data from our Oracle student record system. We just upgraded our PeopleTools and changed to a higher version of the Oracle driver which was the only change. The connection string was as follows:
Hye, I am really need help right now. Before this i develop a system using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 as interface and Access as the database .
I would like to use a database MySQl in a test unit c#. It's ok for xml or a database access but i don't find the good "datasource" for a database MySQL please, help me ! differents tests here :
I have sample Code like this. Please let me know how to connect Mysql DB from these ASP file. I have installed MySQLODBC driver 5 on my machine. SQL="select fname,lname from Guest" set rs=Conn.Execute(SQL)
I use Eaglesoft practice management software for my practice. For the older version (16.0), I had a simple php script written to connect to its database using oddcconnect. The database is sybase (Sap) sql anywhere and the connection string used was odbcconnect("dental", "dba","sql").
I am trying to connect to remote Microsoft sqlServer 2016 Enterprise(ssas) using Visual Studio 2015 community. using (AdomdConnection conn = new AdomdConnection(@";Initial Catalog=CCAnalytics;Data Source=APPSWORLD\MSSQL;User ID=madhubabu;Password=sasa;Provider=MSOLAP.7;"))
I'm trying to find the various OPTION values in the connection string for MySQL/MariaDB. I've looked on Mariadb.com and mysql.com and saw lots of connection strings but no elaboration on the OPTIONS flag values.
I have an MS Access application that currently connects to a SQL Server instance using Trusted Connection via the following file DSN settings: [ODBC] DRIVER=SQL Server TrustedConnection=Yes DATABASE=APUBMARTY