OLEDB dll... where to place?
i just downloaded this OLEDB package from here https://www.prnwatch.com/ole-db-provider-for-sqlite-databases/ when the zip file is unzipped there are 2 DLL, 32bit and 64bit. I have 2 questions..
i just downloaded this OLEDB package from here https://www.prnwatch.com/ole-db-provider-for-sqlite-databases/ when the zip file is unzipped there are 2 DLL, 32bit and 64bit. I have 2 questions..
I have a VBA code (in excel 2016) that i use to grab information from a MS SQL server (2008R). The connection works fine on the computer i wrote it on. When i run it on another computer i get the error "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source file not found and no default driver specified".
Remote MySQL Linked Server deployed in SQL Express Management Studio do not show any content and structure, it only LIST NAME of the tables belongs to the remote connected MySQL database
I want to Connect from Oracle to MS SQL Server with a connection string to pass location (IP) / username / Password and SQL Database !
Hi All, can anyone provide connectionstring for Excel 2010. I tried to set connection string for RPA Automation anywhere but it is throwing an error
I'm trying to connect ODBC database by excel power query, but it's not works. When I try in Windows 7, its works, but in Windows 10, I'm facing problem.
Excel 2016 VBA to create an OLE connection to a sql 2014 db and then execute a stored procedure returning the results starting cell A1 on sheet :StoredProcData. Server & instance is QGZZZ\MYINSTANCE db is data
I'm doing .Net (C#) development on my mac (with Visual Studio for Mac). My app needs to access a SQL Anywhere 17 backend. I have installed SQL Anywhere, and I can connect directly to my databases from SQL Central. I have been unable to successfully create a DSN.
I am trying to connect to a Local postgresql Database Version 9.5.1 from a C# application My connection String and call statement are shown below:
Hi, I'm trying to connect to Sybase ASE 15 using ADO.net in a Powershell script At the beginning of the shell I got the load of the DLL : Add-Type -AssemblyName "Sybase.AdoNet2.AseClient, Version=2.157.1330.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=XXXXXX"
I am currently using Foxpro 9. In my program I am using several defined Public fields. I need to output these fields in a excel file or I can move them to a DBase file, then generate the spread sheet.
How do i specifiy to use the regional settings (those settings in Windows control panel) for numbers, dates and currency? When defining a DSN connection in ODBC manager Windows i can check to use the regional settings.
What is the different between these two connection strings? Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=MyOracleDB;User Id=myUsername; Password=myPassword; Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Data Source=MyOracleDB;User Id=myUsername;
I am trying to connect to Oracle 12c R1 using the python library pyodbc. I am having zero luck. Can anybody help? thx in advance!
Hi All I have informix DB and I am connecting to the database using ODBC Query tool through DSN connection. I can connect to database using dsn without username and password but I can't connect if I give the same settings in the connection string.
ODBC connection in Oracle . Have written a VB script which connects to an Oracle database using ODBC connection string. When trying to connect its gives me an error [Microsoft][ODBC Manager] Data Source Name too long.
Trying to connect to a SQL Server 2014 and receive the error : (System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: '[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.')
Hi, I'm maintaining a C# .NET application. It is connected to an MSSQL database via ODBC connection. The constring is: Driver={SQL Server};Server=##.##.#.#;Database=QA;UID=SYS;PWD=__;
Is it possible to supply a database password that is let's say supplied when the user logs into the website. Example "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Users\MyName\Documents\mywebsite_assets\database\database.mdb; Jet OLEDB:Database Password=" + strPassword
Hi everyone I´m working with Visual studio data tools to create a DTSX that will work in SSIS. when I create the ODBC Connection I need to write a USER and PASSWORD for this connection but the password is not persistent.
I have visual studio 2012 Ultimate on my machine and am trying to connect MySQL on Azure using MySQL .Net Connector 6.8.3 Below is my connection string Server={Server};Port=3306;Database={DbName};Uid={user};Pwd={pwd};sslMode=Prefered;
I have a C# application and needs to connect it postgresql using Dapper. My Database name is Tournaments. My connection string is shown below:
I am working on a .NET project where I need to insert records in a .mlx file whose path is to be browsed on the launching of the software. Can someone help me with how to create connection to .mlx file?
I'm learning ADO.NET and have been stuck for DAYS trying to get a connection string for a plain, vanilla .mdb database. I've been trying potential connection strings and permutations from this site but NOTHING works; the database connection is never opened.
I wanna use db2 express with c#, but i need a component to insert as a Reference. Can any one send me or say me where i find it? thanks afonso Sao Paulo-Brazil
I need to insert in oracle db multiple rows with INSERT ALL statment. I note oraoledb.oracle provieder doesn't run with this statment. It needs Driver={Oracle in OraClient11g_home1} connection. It is correct?
Is it possible to connect with MySQL 3.1.13 behind a proxy server? Like this : MySQL.ConnectionString = "Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};Server=dbServ;Database=dbName;User=dbUser;Password=dbPass;Option=3;ProxyServer=proServer;ProxyUser=proUser"
Hi, We have an Azure SQL database and a local Access app that needs to interact with it. Using VBA-generated pass-through query definitions to grab data as needed, no linked tables and no permanently saved queries.
I have a connection string as below. connectString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + path + "; Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1;ISAM=1;TypeGuessRows=0'";
I would like to coonect my app vb.net to mysql but the message error below