SAS IOM Data Provider
Local instance of the IOM server
Provider=sas.IOMProvider;Data Source=_LOCAL_;
Bridge protocol
Provider=sas.IOMProvider;Data Source=myServerName;SAS Machine DNS;SAS Protocol=2;SAS Port=1359;
Corba protocol
Provider=sas.IOMProvider;Data Source=myServerName;SAS Machine DNS;SAS Protocol=1;SAS Port=1359;
Com protocol
Provider=sas.IOMProvider;Data Source=myServerName;SAS Machine DNS;SAS Protocol=0;SAS Port=1359;
SAS Service Name instead of port number
Provider=sas.IOMProvider;Data Source=myServerName;SAS Machine DNS;SAS Protocol=2;SAS Service Name=sasobjspawn;
Login required by server
Provider=sas.IOMProvider;Data Source=myServerName;SAS Machine DNS;SAS Protocol=2;SAS Port=1359;User ID=myUser;Password=myPassword;
Tabular Data server type
Provider=sas.IOMProvider;Data Source=myServerName;SAS Machine DNS;SAS Protocol=2;SAS Port=1359;SAS Server Type=1;
OLAP server type
Provider=sas.IOMProvider;Data Source=myServerName;SAS Machine DNS;SAS Protocol=2;SAS Port=1359;SAS Server Type=2;
Establish communication with an existing workspace
Provider=sas.IOMProvider;Data Source=myServerName;SAS Machine DNS;SAS Protocol=2;SAS Port=1359;SAS Workspace ID=myWorkspaceUniqueIdentifier;
Bridge with host authentication
NOTE! These connection strings are using the "Data Source URI Format" (the "iom-bridge://" style) which requires SAS version 9.2 or later!
Provider=SAS.IOMProvider;Data Source=iom-bridge://;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
COM with host authentication
Provider=SAS.IOMProvider;Data Source=iom-com://;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
Bridge with Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA)
Provider=SAS.IOMProvider;Data Source="iom://;Bridge;SECURITYPACKAGE=Negotiate";
COM with Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA)
Provider=SAS.IOMProvider;Data Source="iom://;COM;SECURITYPACKAGE=Negotiate";
Bridge with a logical server name defined in a SAS Metadata Server and host authentication
Provider=SAS.IOMProvider;Data Source=iom-name://Workspace Server - Logical Server Name;SAS Metadata Location=iom-bridge://;SAS Metadata User ID=metauserid;
SAS Metadata Password=metapassword;
Bridge with a logical server name defined in a SAS Metadata Server and Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA)
Provider=SAS.IOMProvider;Data Source=iom-name://Workspace Server - Logical Server Name;SAS Metadata Location="iom://;Bridge;SECURITYPACKAGE=Negotiate";
Logical server name defined in a SAS Metadata Server that is configured via the SAS Integration Technologies configuration utility
Provider=SAS.IOMProvider;Data Source=iom-name://Workspace Server - Logical Server Name;
The value of "_LOCAL_" is a keyword that indicates that a local instance of the IOM servers should be used.