Accessing MS-eXcel Data from SQLPlus
I am running Oracle 10g on an Windows XP system. How do I access data in a MS-eXcel spreadsheet from SQLPlus? I have set up the eXcel ODBC Driver. What does the following SQL Server code translate
I am running Oracle 10g on an Windows XP system. How do I access data in a MS-eXcel spreadsheet from SQLPlus? I have set up the eXcel ODBC Driver. What does the following SQL Server code translate
Can we get data from table feature of Excel 2007 / 2010? Ex. Select * from Table1 or Table 6, instead of select * from [Sheet1$]
Hello everyone! I have a big problem :) How can I export an Excel spreadsheet (only a single worksheet) to a remote MySQL database using VBA code? I have always imported a .csv file with phpmyadmin, b
Hi I have been trying to find information on using SQL Lite with either MS Access or VB.Net (using Visual Studio 5). Can anyone point me to a guide or offer some advice? Thanks Doug
What is the function within Excel to call a textfile in the same folder, and search within textfile for a keyword? Websites considered:
When I run sql (select count(*) from table_name from xlsx file I result is 65535, but the excel sheet have more that 65535 rows. How fix it? Connection string is : "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0
Hi all, i hope i'll be clear to explain... I've an .xlsx file with 339 columns (used for import a wide range of data) but if i ask ADO to tell me how many columns (to check data integrity) i only ge
I want to create a DataSet from an excel without knowing the name(s) of the sheets inside. Is it possible to get the names of the sheets using OLE DB Provider ? So a I can perform several SELECT orde
There is some way to limit the number of returned rows?
Hi I learnt from that "HDR=Yes" in Connection String for Excel indicates that 1st row is not values but Column Names. I have a requirement where I need to consider 2nd row
I created my connection string in Dreamweaver MX as shown below: <% ' FileName="Connection_ado_conn_string.htm" ' Type="ADO" ' DesigntimeType="ADO" ' HTTP="false" ' Catalog="" ' Schema="" D
I'm looking over the Excel examples and see a problem: what if I don't know the exact name of the Excel file I'm trying to open? All of the examples need a full name either in the Dbq or the Data Sour
SELECT rowid, Day, Advice from MainCategory where ((Day = ((cast(strftime('%d',date('now','-1 day')) as Integer)))) and (Month = (strftime('%m',date('now'))))) and ((Day = ((cast(strftime('%d',date('n