Acces to DB ACCES
Bonjour, J'arrive pas à me connecter sur ma base de donnée ACCESS, voici le message d'erreur : le fournisseur "microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0" n'est pas inscrit dans l'ordinateur local voici la cha
Bonjour, J'arrive pas à me connecter sur ma base de donnée ACCESS, voici le message d'erreur : le fournisseur "microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0" n'est pas inscrit dans l'ordinateur local voici la cha
Hi, I'm trying to add an RC4-128 encripted Access 2007 DataSource to my VB2010 Windows Forms Project through the Add New Data Source Wizard but, when I click the Test Connection button, I am gettin
sorry if this is a duplicate post Okay, I am using some older tools here and what I want to do should be easy but I can't get the connection right. I have a access.db setup on a godaddy hosted w
Hi, i am trying to read a Tab-Delimited Text file using a Schema.ini into an Access database (ADO). however, i dont know how to include the Schema.ini file in ADO. the Schema.ini file has: [Sa
Hi all I have a question, we have been entering data into a database that has sQL Server 2005 in the background and Access 2007 on the front end for over a year. We connect to it by entering in our us
Sir, The problem on the subject sited above is resloved as per your advice for which i am indebted your credit that will never forget. Sir, another problem related to it is that report cannot gene
sir, The following is the extract written in the module . The access always failed when i tried to access ms access password protected database from within the visual basic 6. Displaying Datareport a
Hi, do you have any idea how to programmatically connect to a database (access 97) located in a different folder(domain) having a password? Like I want to connect to mydatabase which the location i
I have 2 websites. On the first i have a table with news articles in an access database. Now, my question: On the second site i'd like to open the access-db on the first site and display these new
Sir, Code: Private Sub bkLstMn_Click() Dim sconnectString As String sconnectString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;jet OLEDB:Database user Name=Admin,Password=xxx;Mode=share Deny None;Data S