SSIS Package Encrypt password in IBM DB2 Conncetion string
Hello There, I have created an ssis package which pulls the data from IBM DB2 to a SQL table. To connect to DB2 i was using a project parameter DB2_ConnectionString as below
Hello There, I have created an ssis package which pulls the data from IBM DB2 to a SQL table. To connect to DB2 i was using a project parameter DB2_ConnectionString as below
hello every body , well i wanted to connect a postgresql to visual studio 2015 using this script bellow , so i face this msg "
Using vba and Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 connection to Excel 2013 workbook. Inserting records into worksheet work fine. Problem occurs if I update a field in a record with a blank ("").
Use 50 task.factory.startnew to query 50 subbusinesses at the same time, and execute 50 methods, all of which are using to open the database connection and execute their own queries.
Apologies, this is not a connection question but I was wondering what the "Powered by CSAS" stands for at the bottom of the website? Searching on Google does not return any pertinent information.
Corporation updated my server and i started getting this error (provided from the server team): GET, /page/pages/MarketMatrix-2.asp, |236|800a0e7a|Provider_cannot_be_found._It_may_not_be_properly_installed.,
Error: System.ArgumentException: Absolute path information is required. My situation is this: Virtual Machine Oracle V 5.2.8 Running Ubuntu 16.04 With a C# Program developed in MonoDevelop
Now there is a database file of sybase SQL anywhere in the format of .db file. I now have Sql anywhere 5.0 installed on this machine. I can connect through ODBC, but now I want to install it in a database-less environment, that is, without installation.
I need to know how to open a password protected Excel file using OleDBConnection. I saw a post that provides a work around. I am using Excel 2016. Is there a way in this version? The excel is 2013 and older.
I'm trying to create a program that communicates with a SQLite database encrypted by a password. If I try with a db without any password it work, but with a database with password, after connecting, when executing the query it gives the error "File is not a database". This is the code:
Oracle Provider for OLE DB connection strings can use connection pool?
Hi, I hope you can help me with my (hopefully) easy problem :) I am using the following connectionstring to connect to the Database in VBA: strCon2 = "Driver={Oracle in OraClient11g_home2};Dbq=MY_SERVICE_NAME;" & _
Hi, my name is Marvin and I have little experience in Mysql. I have mysql 5.5 installed with workbench 6.1. I work with vba excel developing small applications, locally I have no problems connecting to databases.
Has or does anybody have information about working in "AHK" "Auto Hotkey" and connecting to an access database? Have found this link:
Can I use ADO to open a connection to a shared Excel (Office 365) workbook that resides on SharePoint. I do not want to checkout the work book as Other people are storing information on it.
Looking for help for SQL2008 so that an app I am using can connect to SQL db as well as access data in csv text files. Do I need to change them to excel files? is that the only way?
i build my database with mongodb and i can't find connection string format or example for mongodb
Hi I am looking to connect LDAP or AD coonection using Alteryx. Please provide steps to connect to Active Directory groups using OLE DB connection via Alteryx. Regards, Anil
I am trying to connect an access 97 database from php, I have tried three ways methods and none works for me: $db = 'c:/VENTAS.MDB'; $odbcname = "ventas_dsn_sistema";
I have the Oracle Runtime 11g 32 bits and the 12c Runtime 64bits instaled on my system, and i would like to know if is possible to use the 32bits Oracle 11g( ODBC driver on my Excel.
Hi, I use a OdbcConnection string to read xls sheet into a data table ( is there a property I can use to omit formulas (ex. Vlookup) and use the values instead?
What are steps in connecting with SQL server?
I'm building an Visual C++ project which is connected to Azure SQL database via ODBC, I placed the following connection string that Azure:
I'm a student learning programming. I need to find out what web address gets my database and server. I need to find out what the database name is.
I try to transfer a classic-asp-application from Windows Server 2008R2/II7 to 2016/II10 and SQL 2008 to SQL 2016. The application works fine with IIS10 and SQL 2008. Also with IIS7 and SQL 2016.
Hello, I have used the Connection String found here to connect to various txt files on my PC, located in C:\test\ This is working for this: Driver=Microsoft Access Text Driver (*.txt, *.csv);Dbq=C:\test;Extensions=txt;Format=Delimited
DB2Connection Connection string is not working. Currently Im in .net core application and installed through NuGet package.
SSIS package works fine in Visual Studio, But when deployed it says gives error, SQL Jobs fails execution
Hi, I am trying to connect my existing ETL application with Azure SQL Database. But since 29th July 2019, I am getting error Connection Reset/Connection is closed.
add name="xyzEntities" connectionString="Data Source=;port=3306;Integrated Security=false;Initial Catalog=database name;User Id=myname;password=mypass" providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient"/