Can't connect to local Oracle 11g express
Hello. I have an Oracle 11g Express installation on my personal Windows 7 PC. Its DB name is the default - XE. I can connect to it in sqlplus just fine.
Hello. I have an Oracle 11g Express installation on my personal Windows 7 PC. Its DB name is the default - XE. I can connect to it in sqlplus just fine.
I'm trying to make use of gMSA's to connect from ASP/X code to an MS SQL 2016 server. I've configured the gMSA with permissions on the target database and set up the gMSA on the source server, but can't get a connection string configured to use the account.
I am new to SQL Connection strings. We recently migrated from SQL Server 2008 32 bit to SQL Server 2017 64 bit. The database I am using is an Access 2010 32 bit and we upgraded to Access 2013 32 bit. I believe the connection string that was being used for SQL Server 2008 32 bit was
I have loaded VFP9 with SP2 on 64-bit Win-10. It seems to work correctly since I do not have intricate programs, just related databases. With every log-in I get a message: 0: Class definition MSXML2.DOMDOCUMENT.4.0 is not found.
Hi there: I’m trying to load a dbf file generated from Foxpro7 into Excel (programmatically), I don’t want to use any export/import mechanisms because the objective is to carry out this transparently for the user.
Hi everybody, I'm just beginning with MySQL and I try to make a connection between a VBscript and a MySQL Database.
I'm starting informix I'm db2 of db2, I have to schedule script to run control to restart the database of handles contralada, I do not know how to look for something ?? , I thank you in advance
How connect to SQL SERVER with Basic4Java and what driver to use.
Link Greenleaf a través de 14:14 (hace 8 horas) para firebird-net-provider Hi, Im trying connecting to a Firebird Database 1.5. with FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.dll in c# VS2015
I think I'm almost there. Except the update is inserting into sharepoint. Using Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;WSS;IMEX=0. See code below. Situation: I'm refreshing in an excel table from a power query a Sharepoint list (Sharepoint server 2016).
Microsoft odbc driver external table is not in expected format. What is the root cause of the issue Connection string used is Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=path
I am trying to connect to sql advantage to a application(uipath) using ODBC driver. I have the driver installed in my system. My Question: 1. Do we need to add that driver in DSN for sure?( I tried a lot but getting error: database server not found).
I need a ADO connection string to work with Quick Payroll, I am not a developer but I need it in order to customise reports.
I wrote a VB .NET program using VS17 that opens Excel files and loads the data into an Access database. For .xls files, I use the connection string: Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source= ...;Extended Properties Excel 8.0;
Does anyone have a connection string for SSIS SMO that will connect to an Azure Database using Active Directory Authentication?
Bonjour et merci voici mon besoin j'ai un fichier excel qui me permet de gere mes contact depuis un userform dans le quel il y a des textbox et une combobox qui a pour base une table access
Hi Everyone, I have a use case where i need to connect to Azure SQL Server Database which is hosted on cloud and i can able to connect through SSMS by providing username password and authentication
Hello All, Trying to connect a text file as a database and query since I have 2.6 million records of data in a text file.
Dear, any one know why "for update" is returning -1 if using sqlconnect? lcStringConn="Driver={MySQL ODBC 8.0 ANSI Driver};Port=3306;NOSSPS=1;Option=67108864"+; ";Server="+lcServer+;
Hi, it is working in Excel-32 bit version, but not working in excel-64 bit. I have a linked table in ms-access which is linked to a sql server table, and when I am trying to fetch the data in excel via VBA from ms-access linked table the error message "ODBC connection failed" showing.
I get the error able 'mysql.proc' doesn't exist while executing procedures from .net application using proxysql. MySQL version: 8.0.13 MySQL.Data version: 8.013
How to read values in a particular column of DBF file in c# code
I have a Visual Studio 2017 .NET 2.2 Core Razor Pages project I have downloaded and installed the ODBC sqlite3 driver. I can see my sqlite database in Visual Studio Server Explorer and I can open tables and see rows.
Why does the SQL Server ODBC Connection page not mention any example of using a non-standard port? I was incorrectly trying to use the "Port" attribute as "Port=x" but that does not work.
Hi Guys I am using SQL Server 2012 , using import and export wizard i want to migrate nuodb databse to sql , but could not find any JDBC data source inside the wizard.
An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred in System.Data.dll cant insert data in to sql server 2008 using vb.net2015
I have a legacy Delphi database, with an application written in Borland Pascal. It's an old system, running on a virtual XP box, since it won't run on anything newer.
Hello: I am running ORACLE 12.2. In SSRS 2016 (hosted in AWS), I created a data source for my oracle db Data source connection: http://awsxxxxx/reportserver Then I tried to create a report using report builder.
Hello , I found problem when trying to connect to Ingres database from my asp project . The connection string that i use used to work fine : Server=Ingres;host=172.19.X.X;user ID=myName;password=Password ; but now i have the error : ![enter image description here][1]
I am trying to connect my C# code to SQL Server. My connection string is not working. It gives the following error: "Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0."